Sunday, June 12, 2016

One Year Anniversary!!!

One Year Bookaversary!!!!!

     One year ago today my first novel went out to meet the world. Damn, time flies. I still have a hard time truly believing it is out there...I can hold it...strangers can read it....
It was years in the making to say the least. The characters emerged around 2006-2007. I opened up to a friend and talked about the story for the first time in 2012 walking along a mountain trail. Over the next few years I got the first book on paper. I wrote and rewrote and researched and started over more than once. I talked with authors and agents and publishers. I wrote and rewrote. I submitted for publication. I was rejected....and rejected. I got some interest. I had a choice. I thought and I decided to publish myself....

     I was excited and terrified and hopeful. I cried and felt like was going to vomit. I laughed and raised my glass. I took a risk...well more than one. I listened to those around me...for better and for worse. I took the chance and now...a year later....

     I am still excited and terrified and hopeful. I still cry and feel sick sometimes. I still get self conscious and nervous and proud and pleased. I still laugh and raise my glass. It is work and frustration and fear and uncertainty. It is hard and wonderful and art. It is planning and time and effort and crazy and insane and priceless.

     I may never be the 'best' or famous or see those rolling zeros in the bank account and that is just fine with me. I may never be 'known' but I took the chance and lived a dream. My art is out there and I am proud.

     Thank you to everyone that supported me, encouraged me and helped make this all happen. Your words, lessons, donations, time, effort, praise, critique, pushes and supports mean so much. This journey isn't over...there is still so much more ahead and I look forward to every hill and valley, bump and turn and most all the views.

     This week I will make posts about Ages from Eternity. How it started, Info about Characters and more. If you have questions you would like answered, either about me, my writing journey or my novel, feel free to email them to or message to me via facebook or tweet them to @LoraDouglas112 on twitter. Check back here on Wed and Fri. I will try and answer what I can. Thank you all.

Have a beautiful Sunday. "May we do more good than harm."

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