Friday, April 14, 2017

Shame on Me

     Sometimes life takes a turn or it throws up a couple of speed bumps the size of Mount Fuji and every thing stops until you can climb over or build a road around it. Some of these mounds of misfortune are terrible, difficult, lousy and blatantly suck. Others may seem like an inconvenience until you realize you are on your way up Candy Mountain with a unicorn farting rainbows. It is a side effect of living. During my little handful of mountains, some sharp and steep and others with a gooey caramel center, some things went by the wayside for a bit.
     My writing took a sabbatical. My blog took a vacation and my housework...well that moved to Costa Rica for a few months. Well now the gang is all back, still a bit jet lagged but brushing off the dust and sand and getting back down to business. The characters in my head are more than thrilled to get back into the swing of things. I have even had a couple new ones pop up so you may get to meet them in the future once they swim their way onto a page.
     I am in a new city, in a new house with a new desk that is NOT a tiny end table with the keyboard balancing in my lap. The doctor's visits have dwindled. The recovery is finished. My crazy word vomit dry erase boards and timeline ramblings are up on the wall. A job search is underway (I need money to feed my writing addiction) and life is rolling along again. Let's have some fun, shall we?
     Ages from Eternity has been out in the world for almost 2 years now. The time, she does fly. If you haven't read it, pop on over to I might be a tad biased or the worst critic, depending on the day, but I say it is a good read. I have readers from the teenage era to the golden years. And my characters span the same frame. There is violence and strong language. There are rough situations. There is death and sorrow. There is hope and victory. You might get offended at times and while that is not my intention, it might happen because there are things in there that are offensive. Bad things happen. Bad people exist and as much as the world should be draped in rainbows and sunlight, there is just shit that occurs.
     Book two is finished and awaiting the eyes of an editor. Those of you that have been asking for a sequel, thank you for your support and I promise it is coming. A second edit round of book one is also in the works. Just a little clean up of pesky grammar mistakes that squeezed through the cracks.
     I am not sure what is in store for this blog. I have some book reviews coming, but other than that I think I will just wing it for a while. If there is a topic that interests you, or a burning question you would like answered, give me a shout either here or on facebook.
Lora Douglas.
     Thank you all for spending a bit of your time with me. Thank you for the support, encouragement and critique. I am off to give my mother a birthday hug. You all have a good day. If you are stuck on one of those life mountains, keep moving, reach out, and remember there are always others that have been somewhere similar. There are always those who will understand.

Peace, coffee and rainy days!

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