Saturday, April 2, 2016

Welcome to MoE!

Greetings! I'm an author. Ages from Eternity is my first novel. (You can get it on Amazon). My novels can be rough, gritty and deal with hard life. I don't strive for shock value or to make people uncomfortable...I am simply finding a balance between being true to the character and true to myself. My writing will evolve...just like every other author. For I am every growing and changing and for that, my characters will too.
I am an Indie Author. I am proud, self-conscious and insecure all rolled into an odd little ball. Most days I love writing and other days it scares the skittles out of me. Later I will post a cartoon strip I found that illustrates this perfectly.
I love watching people, hearing their stories and the greatest adrenaline rush (for me) is seeing that spark...that 'ah ha' moment of realization when something clicks. I love people but I am a massive, hardcore introvert. I am reserved and shy and sarcastic. I love trivia and exploring and learning. I have dyslexia, asthma and a list of other medical speed bumps. I enjoy strong coffee, good beer, loud music, goofy moments, strange facts, random adventures and long road trips. Sometimes I can be moody, distant, overly anxious, self conscious and terrified of silly things that may never happen. Sometimes I'm spontaneous, reckless and say the word fuck (and sometimes get this twinge of guilt after...depends on the day).
But at the end of the day, I'm just a lover of stories that wants everyone to see the beauty around them. To know they matter. To know they are loved. To know they are not alone. We all a mess of eclecticness (not a word...I know) and diversity and that mess is beautiful. Breathtaking chaos if we only take the time to look. Every race. Every color. Every gender. Every creed. Every type. Every little box we can check on who we are, what we are and what we want to be is beautiful. People matter. You matter. Everyone has a past and everyone has a future.

Welcome to my world. If you are a new reader? Welcome. If you have been here a while? Thank you so much for your support. If you just randomly found this, I hope you hang around. If you like my writing, thank you. If you don't...I hope you find some writing that you do like. Reading is sexy :) just ask my bumper sticker. 

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